Part 14: Episode XII: In Which Nowe Strips in Front of a Strange Man
Episode XII: In Which Nowe Strips in Front of a Strange Man
Well, it appears we're back on the world map once more. No, Chapter 3 is not over yet. We're just switching locations mid-chapter. And since Nowe is kind of a sheltered buffoon, we're returning to the only village he's probably actually visited outside the Grand Shrine in his life.

I have the mental image of Legna wearing an oversized trench coat and hat trying to just blend into the crowd at the village. Meanwhile, Nowe is too dense to change out of his knight uniform.

Welp, now that we're officially kicked out of the Knights of the Seal, Nowe is on his own with obtaining medical supplies. So it's best to stock up now. Since we're still in Chapter 3, the stores lack anything new on the weapons front and I'm still short on buying that one expensive weapon. Someday...
Verse 3 - The Merchants - Music: Unrest

This level is pretty long and very boring filler. Every mission objective is basically "go here and run down a murder meter". So, let's just skip to the good bits.*
* Bits may not actually be good.
Note: Read all of the fellow with a bandanna's dialog with a bad Scottish accent.

Nowe and Legna lather, rinse, and repeat kill at another part of the map. It's funny how this 'caravan' seems to consist of a bunch of guys in similar uniforms running around with swords and shields. No crates of supplies or wagons to speak of. Or even a sack with goods... Perhaps they're all just giving their goods a test run?

We haven't gotten a good look at Nowe's new outfit yet. There's some artwork of it at the end of the update. But I just wanted to point out one thing: Nowe actually had the good sense to hold onto the shield from his old armor. Of course, since this is Nowe we're talking about, he never actually uses the thing ever again. It's effectively just butt armor. Our hero, folks!

So, the chucklefucks from the beginning of the mission get jumped by monsters...again...and must be rescued...again. It is quite tedious...again.

Now Nowe needs to go alllll the way across the map, again and kill the same three monster types by the dozen...again...

The leader of this band of Scotsman clones is completely surrounded by a horde of monsters, including two Undead Knights which are now a big pain in the ass without Eris in the party. This part can be total bullshit, since if the merchant leader dies it is a game over. I decided to go mop-up the lesser goblins and annoying shaman goblins in the area before tackling the zombie twins. But the genius we're rescuing managed to get himself cornered in a wall and skullfucked by the two before I noticed he was in trouble. I didn't need those fifteen minutes of my life anyway...

After the lousy jerk is rescued from his almost certain death, he asks Nowe to go get a treasure box for him and there will be a big reward if he does so. He's "much too tired" to go retrieve it, you see. Of course, the treasure is on a cliff some fifty feet up a sheer cliff wall and there was no way the tubby lardass was going to scamper up there and get it unless he possess some hidden parkour talents yet to be revealed. And there's no reward from him for retrieving it anyway. It's just a new weapon for Nowe. Let's take a look...
Drakengard 2 Weapon Stories posted:
A lord with a penchant for hunting once owned this sword. With it at his side, he would ride out into the forest and not return until he had slaughtered all the animals he could find. Several decades later, when the lord's grandson inherited the title, he also inherited this sword.
The new lord was a gentle soul, and wasn't fond of hunting - until the day he found this sword among his grandfather's possessions. From then on, his interest grew and he began to make frequent hunting trips.
As the months passed, the young lord's behavior became more and more eccentric. He would lick the food off his plate and was sometimes seen walking on all fours around the castle. Then one day he disappeared.
No one knew what had become of him - only that a beastly roaring could be heard echoing from deep
within the castle dungeons. It is said that it can still be heard to this day.
Description: A nobleman's hunting sword.
Traits: Breaks the enemy's guard, but still only a hunting sword.
Magic: "Sonic Blow" - Blahblahblah. This is like the 4th weapon to have this magic type. I bet you're not even reading this part!
The true terrifying story of Furcon '06.
Some time later...

Later that day...

And that's a wrap for Chapter 3. Nowe and Legna are going to stowaway on the back of a caravan like illegal immigrants to enter another country. Classy traveling. Very heroic.

Apparently, this was so humiliating an experience that Legna evolved to Form 2 during the trip. Just like Angelus, Legna will evolve at certain points in the game to more powerful forms. The leveled up Legna can now fire six homing fireballs instead of five, store one extra Dragon Overdrive attack, and is generally stronger and faster. But, that's for Chapter 4... See you there!

Verse 3 Cutscenes

Old Friends (Probably worth watching.)

Casual Wear Nowe Artwork - Looking very metrosexual, lad. Nice leather pants...